Branch-led Humphrey Fellows program January 25, 2024

By Connie Schroeder


AAUW State College will host its annual International Perspectives on Women in Society program featuring the Penn State Humphrey Fellows on Thursday, January 25, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Graduate State College (formerly The Atherton Hotel).

This annual event features a panel discussion with two of the current year’s Humphrey Fellows. Panelists include Carolyn Donaldson, AAUW State College (Moderator), Dr. Odgerel Batsaikhan, Vice Director of Otgontenger University in Mongolia, and Ninoska Leiva, Professor, University of Chile and the University of Santiago de Chile.

To attend, please register here: You will be asked to please send a check for $24 payable to “AAUW State College.” Late payments will be accepted at the door, but advance reservations are required by Thursday, January 18. Please direct questions to Contact Christine Bishop: (814) 441-3571.

--Naana Nti, AAUW State College Diversity Chair


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