Getting Volunteer Clearances

By Jamie SanFilippo
clearances instructions


Thank you for volunteering! To comply with laws pertaining to keeping our children safe, there are several clearances that must be obtained prior to volunteering. Minors do NOT have to obtain these clearances.


1.     PA Criminal Clearance (free): You can obtain your clearance here:

2.     PA Child Abuse Clearance (free): You can obtain your clearance using the instructions below.

3.     FBI Fingerprint Clearance (see IdentoGo website for updated fees): If you have lived in Pennsylvania for more than 10 years, you are exempt, but you must fill out the attached affidavit. If you do not meet that exemption, please e-mail me to set up an appointment to get fingerprinted.

Instructions for the online Child Abuse History Clearance


Before you get started, make sure to have the following information:

·       Any previous addresses

·       The full names and ages of anyone you’ve lived with since 1975, including your parents/guardians

you lived with as a minor (even if they are now deceased)


(1) Go to the website:

(2) Click “Create a new account.”

(3) Fill in the account information. The “Keystone ID” will be your username.

(4) After you have created an account, you’ll receive an e-mail with a temporary password. Use this password to log in and then create a new password.

(5) Log in using your updated password. Read over and accept the terms and conditions and site information.

(6) Click the “Create a clearance application” button. Read the agreement and proceed.

(7) Complete the application.

·       Application purpose: select regular contact with children, childcare, or volunteer.

·       Enter your applicant information.

·       Enter your permanent address and your mailing address if it is different. Select if you would like a

copy of your clearance mailed to your residence in addition to having online access to it.

·       Enter as much information about all of your previous addresses using the “Add” button.

·       Enter all of the household members that you have lived with since 1975 using the “Add” button.

This includes your parents/guardians you lived with as a minor, even if they are deceased (enter their age when they passed away).

·       Review your application information

·       Complete the e-signature using your first and last name only.


(8) Select the payment option that specifies that you are a volunteer and submit.


After you complete the application, it may take a couple of days to be processed. They will send you an email when it is done.

For more information:

clearances instructions
