Doing Good with Wood, Inc.

We believe that mentoring in woodworking makes sense today, because of:

  • - the pleasure and pride that craftspeople find in creating objects that are practical, beautiful, and long lasting;

  • - the decline in the number of woodworking classes offered in schools;

  • - and the potential value of conversations between young people and adults, over time.
    We also believe that this model of mentoring, week after week, while engaged in the design and construction of projects, has value and will spread to communities across the United States and beyond. And, we believe that manufacturers and distributors supplying the materials and tools used in woodworking will be very supportive of our efforts, because they understand the benefits and because DGWW is likely to develop young woodworkers who will stay with woodworking as a hobby or perhaps even as a vocation.

As our project evolves we will expand from woodworking alone to incorporate electronics, 3D printing, and other emerging "maker" technologies and skills.


Education, Research
